Sunday, August 9, 2009

Check Up!!

Our baby girl is getting big. On August 5th Savannah had her check up. It was one of the best ones. Again, when the Dr. came in she went up to him and sat on his lap. Then she went right to the basket of books and sat in the chair to read a book. As Dr. and I chatted for a bit he noticed how talkative she is and that her vocab is getting longer. She is doing well in her development. Also that she is a healthy active girl. She is now 25.4 LBS and 36.4 in height. When the nurse came in to give her shot. She wasn't ready because she wasn't done reading the book. When the nurse was ready, which she only had to get one shot this time, got Savannah ready. When the nurse stuck her with the needle, Savannah was about to cry but didn't. She was a big girl. So the Dr. gave her a sucker and a sticker. She didn't want the sticker she wanted another sucker.

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