Sunday, March 8, 2009

Panic Attack!!

As for Brandie, I also had a panic attack. Also I don't know if I should tell, so here it goes...last month, a Tuesday afternoon, I had the day off. So instead of waiting for David to get off of work to go to the store. Savannah and I did. We also went to two other places before we headed back home. So we got home, getting her out of the car, carrying the groceries in and the mail. She was taken her time up the steps to the apartment. When we got in the apartment I dropped everything in my hands and started to put things away. (By now your probably sayin what happened). Well I'm getting there. Noticed Savannah had the car keys. She was running from me, like she always does when she is in trouble or she doesn't want us to get what is in her hand. As I checked the car she had opened the latch(the glass). So I grabbed the keys from her. At this time David had called so I was talking to him while I went downstaires to shut the latch. As Savannah was watching me from the window. This took about a minute. As I came back up, closed the door behind me, still on the phone with David. Yelling for Savannah cause she wasn't standing at the window. Thinking she was hideing somewhere in the apartment, cause she loves to play hide and seek, as I was looking at a few of her favorite spots. Starting to panic....when I got a knock at the door. Telling David to hold on cause there was a someone at the door. Well it was our neighbor with.......Savannah. All I could do was to thank him. Somehow she had opened the door and went to the other set of stairs where he had found her. So that is my panic story.


Keri Alane said...

OMG!!!! I am so glad your neighbor found her!!! How are you guys doing? We are doing pretty good hating being apart but that is the downside to the military life! The girls are getting so big it sucks Addi is starting to play in her exersaucer now for short periods of time now and loves the Jumparoo!! Her feet touch in both it is funny to watch her turn herself around since she totally cant jump in it yet!! Cami is 3 now and I can't believe it!! She has lost her baby face look and looks like such a big girl now! So sad for me!!! Oh well heading to bed soon so I hope to hear back from you soon!!

McCall said...

Those new Christmas pics on the side are so cute. Cooper and Savannah are like the same size. Ha.

The Josh's said...

Where are the firemen?